Wednesday, July 27, 2011

baby food 101

Who would have thought that feeding a baby would be complicated? It's not as cut and dry as it seems. What with allergy riskes, textures and methods of feeding there's plenty of room for confusion.

My plan was to use the "baby led solids" method. I was going to wait to give solids to Max until he was around 6 months old, unless he showed me that he was ready before then. At 4 months he was stealing food off my plate or pulling my spoon to his mouth and I took that as "feed me now woman!"

We started with green beans and have moved up through the green and orange veggies, fruit, oatmeal, and now he's self feeding chicken. We've learned that peas make him gag, carrots give him a terrible rash and apples are the BEST THING EVER.

Up&Up peach-mango Little Puffs are his favorite finger food and he's mastered getting them in his mouth by the fistfull. I tried letting him self feed cottage cheese as the curds are about the same size as a puff. He remains unconvinced that this is a good idea. The chicken is going well and I will be baking more on our next baby food day.

Right now I purchase, puree and freeze the following every month:
6 Apples
1 Large bunch of bananas
2 Avocados
3 Sweet potatoes
6 White potatoes
3 Pears
3 Peaches
1 Steamfresh bag of green beans
3 Zucchini
2 Yellow squash

Last month he also tried watermelon and I froze quite a bit to last us through the fall. Next month we're up to try cauliflower, cantelope, pineapple and kale! This is my life and what I get excited about now. Crazy!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

motivation please

My to-do list for today:

1. Shower
2. Laundry
3. Dishes
4. Run errands
5. Straighten up living room
6. Sweep

Right now I'd rather sit here and eat Wheat Thins and enjoy Max's nap. Of those 6 things, I only see a couple actually getting accomplished, but a girl can dream, right?

Saturday, July 9, 2011


Right now they are all just pipe dreams, but this is what I want.

Jesse drew this for my lower back. Yes it's a "tramp stamp" and yes I still want it.

I want this on my wrist

And this on my other wrist.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Jane Austen ruined my life

I give it 4 out of 5 stars. The plot was interesting, but still just a little too predictable in places. I read through it in about 2 days both because it was interesting and absorbing, and also because it was a relatively easy read.

Next up

Friday, July 1, 2011

my current obsession

Books. It's been far too long since I've had the time to read. Between a shift in priorities and just the sheer amount of time and energy it takes to raise a baby I'd all but given up on my first love.
Add caption

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

a day in the life

I'm going to say it again right away. Teething is a bitch.

2:35 AM Wake up, apply Orajel, soothe to sleep
4:28 AM Wake up, apply Orajel, soothe to sleep
5:14 AM Wake up, apply Orajel, feed, soothe to sleep

You get the picture. Somewhere around 8:30 Max woke up singing his "pay attention to me" song. No matter the time, day or night, it's cute and I love it. He's been wide awake since and it's currently 10:45. He needs to go down for his morning nap.

3:28 PM Max is down for nap number two today. His morning nap was a nice long one and Jesse and I were able to shower, have a snack and get laundry started. We also did the dishes.

10:18 PM Max's afternoon nap ended before 4 and he was cranky the rest of the afternoon and evening. I put him to bed at 8 and he's woken up 3 times since. Right now he's talking to himself while I "ignore" him and hope he goes back to sleep on his own.

On Tuesdays and Wednesdays Jesse goes to play with his boyfriends. He really hates it that I call them that, but I really hate that he's not around so it's a trade off. I understand that he needs a break and a hobby, but I get resentful that I don't have that luxury.

Tonight in between pacifying the baby I did get an order put together and I'm very happy with it. The customer ordered a changing pad and wipes case. I also made her a envelope style pouch with the leftover scraps of fabric and PUL. It can be used for snacks or even messy clothes. I'm hoping she'll give me feedback on it and I may add them to my shop.

Max has gotten louder and angrier so I might as well call it a night. I feel like I got quite a bit done and I really wish every day could be this successful!

I think it turned out cute!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

blah blah blah

I'm interested to track an "average" day here. Tomorrow we'll see if I can stick to it! Today has been incredibly unproductive and the only excuse I can come up with is "teething." Teething is a bitch.